APEC BEST Award2020 にノミネートされました
ブルーコンパス取締役の小林コトミが、APEC BUSINESS EFFICIENCY AND SUCCESS TARGET (BEST) AWARD 2020で女性リーダー日本人代表としてノミネートされたことを、ご報告申し上げます。
この度、内閣府 男女共同参画局の推薦により、APEC BUSINESS EFFICIENCY AND SUCCESS TARGET (BEST) AWARD 2020の以下テーマにおいて、株式会社ブルーコンパス 取締役 小林コトミが、日本代表としてノミネートされました。
- 7. The Best Top Manager in post-pandemic economy(separate competition)
- テーマ:“ WOMEN BUSINESS LEADERSHIP IN POST-PANDEMIC RECOVERY”(パンデミック後の回復における女性のビジネスリーダーシップ)
I tried to start a new career when my child was one year old, but I was rejected by over 50 companies.
Those companies told me that highly skilled women were difficult to handle.
My friends told me that they felt pity for my child.
My mother told me that she would not support me at all.
And finally, I couldn’t even get into daycare.
I was left in a very vulnerable position.
So, I decided to create a society where women can play an active role.
This pandemic gave rise to new ways of working, such as remote working and “workcation”.
But women’s society has not changed.
The burden of raising children and doing housework has increased for women.
Women are not involved in the realization of the new society.
There are surprisingly many individuals who want to build a women’s society.
But because they each work “alone,” they are not able to exercise their power to its full extent.
My first company was Manabelle.
I believe that the reason why women’s society is not becoming more popular is because women do not have enough opportunities to experience technology.
Our programming learning app “codebelle” saw a 1.5-fold increase in downloads during the pandemic.
The next school I built was SeedHouse.
In Seed House, you will learn the power to control your own life without being influenced by the existing environment.
This school quickly offered a corona-proof location to reduce the burden on mothers.
And finally, Blue Compass.
Blue Compass is a place where many women taking social action to broaden the scope of women’s societies can come together.
For women entrepreneurs left alone by the declaration of a national emergency, we provided a place to meet online and an opportunity to build a new business.
Standing alone, our existence may be small.
But together, we can become big.
When leaders from different fields come together, they will have the power to change society.
I will continue to nurture women’s potential ability.
My mission is to make women’s society as big as the size of the men’s society.
I believe that viewpoint of women is the way to get through the “with COVID-19“ era.
Thank you very much!!
- 2015年10月株式会社Manabelle(マナベル)を設立、代表取締役へ着任
- 2016年2月誰でもプログラミングを学べるアプリ「codebelle(コードベル)」をリリース。
- 2018年株式会社Manabelleの代表取締役から取締役へ。
- 2018年株式会社シードハウスを設立、代表取締役着任。コワーキングスペースを兼ねたプロジェクト型学習塾を運営。
- 2018年株式会社ブルーコンパスを設立、取締役に着任。女性専用コワーキンングスペース・女子専用学習塾を運営。
- 2018年株式会社ブルーコンパス が「「神奈川なでしこブランド2019」に認定
- 2019年株式会社シードハウス、株式会社ブルーコンパス が「かながわSDGsパートナー」に認定
- 2014年湘南ビジネスコンテストにて準大賞、ナデシコ賞受賞。
- 2016年AppStore「Best of 2016」に選出、アメリカ本社にて副社長にプレゼン
- 2019年 内閣府主催 女性のチャレンジ賞 特別部門賞受賞
- 2020年東京都女性ベンチャー成長促進事業 APT Womenに採択